serial number
| |
rksh |
hacker, interface designer, some random guy. founder,
mimezine. |
www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~carraa |
| |
uhtu |
computer engineering, university of michigan. working stiff
| |
wos |
Sucker. Hacker. Wanker. |
wojdacki.net/~justin |
| |
mobius |
grad-type person, ?umop apisdn, "my computer is an ice cream
scooper, and i love dairy." |
www.eecs.umich.edu/~mguthaus |
| |
bobzilla |
very, very happy. |
bobz.cc |
| |
infoz |
Keeping America Safe since 2002 |
| |
propwash |
alpha geek, corp. net ops mgr. pod freak, humanlike |
mechjock.com |
| |
nuxx |
professional student, stacker of macs, traveler of roads. |
monkey.org/~bill |
| |
mycroft |
human being / monkey trainer / imbiber of taurine in all of
it's wonderful forms. |
mimezine.org/~mycroft |
| |
smattin |
networking and systems admin nerd, maintainer of webservers,
capitalist tool |
mimezine.org/~smattin |
| |
renny |
31337. ph34r m3. 1 m34n 1+. |
not applicable. troglodyte. |
| |
bopo |
boba fett? where? |
bopo.net |
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ktorrek |
he plays more games before 9am than most people play all week |
kallvor.mimezine.org |
| |
bauersc |
just a guy made of dots and lines |
bauerschmidt.com |
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smart | |
monkey.org/~smart |
| |
thuddwhir | |
killbotfactory.com |
| |
csheaff | |
selfsimilar.net |
| |
eferrari |
Luster of PDA's |
enricoferrari.com |
the unknown soldiers
cercis | | |
mugwumpj | | |
rjsjr | | |
rtotte | | |
wolthuis | | |
kelek | | |
dhelder | | |
chipp | | |
{m,j}stock | | |
brawnski | | |
bobolee | | |
myeaster | | |
arnoldj | | |
turans | | |
ajgeffen | | |
provos | | |
quintana | | |
tychl | | |
roypotvin | | |
bservo | | |
psanderson | | |
jdrake | | |
gebhard3 | | |
flasteron! | | |
clwells | | |
chris_figge | | |
mjpaw | | |
hoopsnie | | |
kam | | |
esinclai | | |
jpike | | |
tank | | |
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arkasha@mimezine.org for more info.